Centers Link | Our Services | Hospitals


For decades, hospitals have been at the center of our health care system.

First it was the community hospital, a one-stop provider. Then there were community hospitals supported by specialty hospitals, followed by teaching hospitals, research hospitals, diagnostic hospitals and today, hospital conglomerates that take us back to a one-stop approach, but that stop is expected to have every specialty under the sun, and all under one roof. So where do you go? Which hospital is best? And if you need care in more than one area of specialty, how does that impact your decision? These aren’t decisions to be trusted to a few minutes of on-line research. Trust the people who know every hospital inside and out. CentersLink can guide to the hospitals that can best meet your needs and individual situation, so that you can make an informed selection. And as with all of our services, we’ll make sure everyone involved – doctor, hospital, specialist, patient and others – knows what steps are being taken and what their responsibility is.